Softcover Book (hot glue pressed)

softcover book (printing chiang mai)

A softcover book is also known as paperbacks. It is light and easy to carry and ship out. In addition, it is a popular choice for printing pocketbooks, annual reports, fieldwork report, self-written novels and reprinting older books, etc. A softcover book is usually printed on thick paper covers, pressing together with hot glue on […]

Packaging design

jewelry box design

Packaging designing is one of our ongoing design goals. Our aim is that each packaging design is not only to inform the consumers what flavor or color it is. We also try to include expressions, feelings, and emotions to attract their attention. We use natural materials to explore sustainable living in some packaging design. Some […]

Hardcover Book

hardcover book printing chiang mai

Truly, a hardcover book gives the book a much higher value. Especially is much more durable than most paperbacks (softcover) books. Let’s go back to the good old school hardcover book! Firstly we make the cover out of cardboard.  Then print images or graphic on paper (Image Wrap), cloth or sometimes leather. Giving a smooth […]